What was the project about?
The project aims to develop CLIL approaches, which teachers can use in the
classroom, with a special focus on providing support for academic literacies
in secondary education. A guide for transforming CLIL practice will be
developed, evaluated, adapted and disseminated by practitioners.
CLIL 2.0 unites a team of European experts and practitioners in Content and
Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) who believe that a radical shift in
practice is vital for CLIL to realise its potential. To mainstream CLIL
in secondary education, [foreign] language learning must be re-modelled to not
only support subject learning in cognitively challenging ways but to do so
with academic proficiency in mind. For CLIL learners to become pluriliterate
learners, the role of language must be brought to the fore: FL
grammar-dominated approaches are not appropriate. CLIL 2.0 will
re-examine how basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) can lead to
cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) in CLIL contexts. A
critical evaluation of existing and new concepts will guide the piloting of an
approach to FL learning in CLIL – an approach increasingly literacy-driven and
meaning-led to develop performance-oriented competence. Shared ownership of
evolving theoretical and practical perspectives with teachers/ teacher
educators will involve participation in a trans-European classroom study. It
will result in a working model/toolkit for transforming CLIL practice -
developed, evaluated, adapted and disseminated by practitioners. The team
believes there is potential to change mindsets regarding FL learning and
catalyze change in L1 practice. Hence CLIL 2.0 will be of wide interest to
decision-makers across Europe and beyond.