1) What do I want my students to know or do? |
2) a. What are the facts, concepts,
procedures, strategies my students need to master a new topic/theme?
b. What do my students already know/know how to do and
c. How can I help my students acquire the necessary
skills/knowledge?What is the best way to introduce a topic?
d. How can I help them understand/conceptualize?
e. How can I help them communicate their understanding?
f. What kind of learning activity is best suited for
the desired learning outcome: student-student interaction; teacher l
ed,student led etc…
g. What will the focus of my intervention/feedback (key
terms, cognitive discourse functions, relevant skills/strategies…)
3) How do I want my students to demonstrate their
understanding? What is desired product/output?
4) How will my learners reflect on their learning?
5) How do I know they know? How do I assess their