Deep learning explained
It is very important for teachers to understand how concepts are
internalized, how skills can be automatized and how they as mediators can
professionally support that process.
1. Material Phase (promotes understanding of a concept):
To capture the systematic essence of a concept in ways that are not only
understandable for the learners but which also allow them to apply that
concept in subject specific tasks and activities, concepts need to
introduced in a hands-on fashion with materials (material objects or charts,
diagrams, models) which can be used and manipulated by the students.
Using materials (compare “DOING SCIENCE”) instead of relying on purely
verbal instruction familiarizes students with the ways of getting things
done in a specific subject and greatly reduces the risk of students
memorizing content without any real understanding.
2. Verbal Phase (promotes abstraction of a concept):
As soon as students demonstrate that they can use a concept successfully
with material support, it is necessary to remove those materials.
In a next step, students need to communicate the concept either to another
(social communication) or to themselves (private speech). This step is
absolutely essential because students gain control over a concept and its
use through language, so they need to be provided with opportunities to
share and deepen their conceptual understanding appropriately. Relying
on verbal support in order to appropriately use a concept in a practical
activity/task is an important step in transferring the knowledge of a
concept and how to use it from the material to the mental plane because it
helps students move towards an abstraction of the concept which is a
fundamental step to use a concept in a wide array of different contexts.
3. Mental Phase (promotes transfer of conceptual
As learners gain mastery over the concept through communication, the process
becomes a purely mental one, it becomes inner speech. At this point,
understanding and using a concept becomes completely mental. The individual
is now able to use the concept successfully in different contexts and in
creative ways.

Language or better languaging is the key to successful
internalization of concepts. Successful transfer of conceptual knowledge
is only possible when concepts have successfully been moved from the
material to the mental phase. Material support is very important in the
beginning because it encourages students to really understand a concept
rather than only memorizing and parroting it.
In other words, we have to dig deep before we can begin to develop
transferable knowledge and skills.
- Lantolf, James P, and Matthew E. Poehner. Sociocultural Theory and
the Pedagogical Imperative in L2 Education: Vygotskian Praxis and the
Research/practice Divide. , 2014.
According to cognitive psychology, skills (see glossary: = “abilility to
routinely, reliably and fluently perform goal-directed activities as a
result of practice”) can be automatized through practice. Automatization
is a powerful process because once we have automatized a skill, it
requires fewer resources and allows usto pay attention to other things.
1. Cognitive Phase:
Learners receive explicit instruction about how to solve a task or they
watch and observe an expert and try to imitate him/her. This stage
requires deliberate attention and effort from the learner, performance is
slow and full of mistakes.
2. Declarative Phase:
Through practice, declarative knowledge can become proceduralized.
3. Autonomous Phase:
In this stage, performance is automated, there are hardly any mistakes and
learners usually are no longer aware of the individual ‘parts’ of an
It is very important to mention that declarative knowledge (i.e. rules
about how to do sth./how to complete a task) is stored in a different part
of the brain than procedural knowledge and unfortunately, there is no
direct route from one memory system to the other. That is why students are
usually able to parrot grammar rules but cannot apply that rule in a
natural situation. To make things even more complicated, each memory
system requires different types of practice activities
However, research has also shown that there are ways of promoting
automaticity (the transfer from rule based to memory based system) in the
classroom through a mix of
a) awareness raising activities
b) controlled practice
c) communicative practice
d) activities to reflect learning outcomes
e) scaffolding and feedback
Figure 3: Skill Acquisition, Practice and the
Dual-Coded Memory Model – a synopsis (Meyer 2014)
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DeKeyser, R. (2001): Automaticity and automatization. In: Robinson, P.
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Hassan, X. & Macaro, E. et al. (2005): Strategy Training in language
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Lyster, R. (2007): Learning and Teaching Languages Through Content: A
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Macaro, E. (2006): Strategies for Language Learning and for Language
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Meyer, O. (2013). Zum Zusammenhang von fertigkeitsorientierten
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