A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning

Pluriliteracies Teaching for Learning (PTL) shows teachers and materials developers ways of fostering deep learning by paying attention to the development of students‘ subject specific literacies as well as their conceptual understanding and automatization of subject-specific procedures, skills and strategies. By communicating about their evolving understanding in increasingly sophisticated ways, students internalize these understandings and ways of acting and thinking. PTL not only makes the links between content and language learning visible, but it also shows how teachers can create learning trajectories taking students’ current abilities as a starting point, and tracing their progress along the learning pathway.



Pluriliteracies Teaching for Learning (PTL) provides pathways for deep learning across languages, disciplines and cultures by focusing on the development of disciplinary or subject specific literacies. Subject specific literacies are the key to deep learning and the development of transferable skills. Becoming literate in content subjects or topics will empower learners to successfully and appropriately communicate knowledge across cultures and languages. 

This approach actively contributes to developing creative, responsible global citizens.  

Deep learning - by which we understand the successful internalization of conceptual knowledge and the automatization of subject specific procedures/skills and strategies – only occurs if learners are taught how to express their knowledge appropriately.  

As such, this approach is an important contribution to making teaching and learning more visible and inclusive.  

PTL is highly relevant for learning in any language.

We want to make sure that students are enabled to participate successfully in our literacy-driven, information-everywhere world.

The Pluriliteracies team

Putting pluriliteracies into practice

Download the document in English or in German


Download the flyer in English or in German

Beyond CLIL: Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning (Graz Group)

Conference presentation (EN)

Video presenting the publication on the occasion of the ECML conference in December 2016. The presentation took place in the context of a workshop involving two related ECML project results/publications (Language Descriptors and PlurCur).

The Graz Group Model


Find out more about the Graz Group

These pages result from a project run within the ECML's Learning through languages programme entitled "Literacies through Content and Language Integrated Learning: effective learning across subjects and languages" (Pluriliteracies).
Find out more about the project here.   


For ongoing activities, see the ECML training and consultancy page: